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The environment is a big passion for me. I spend a lot of time going around and taking in everything that nature has to give us.


Climate change is a big issue that's happening in our lives that many people don't realise. We've seen extreme weather conditions and ice capes melting due to this.


I wanted to do a project based around this issue and how we take from the environment and don't give back. While the project lasted several months, I did a series of prints on to wood.


The way I did this was by printing images of trees onto freezer paper and pressing the print into the wood. I really simple process once you've got the hang of it.


The reason I did trees was to show the irony of having an image of trees onto the object that it came from.


My final images of the pieces of wood back into the environment was to empathise that during this project I have taken piece after piece of wood and not considered putting anything back into the environment.


I always support artist but I also want people to start protecting the environment and making a change towards our climate, before it's too late.

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